Tara's Triumph!




Tara is a respectable and aspiring bodybuilder who worked with Anmol for several months prior to his bodybuilding competition in 2019.  When he first contacted Anmol he seemed quite determined and desperate. He had injured his lower back the year before which was not only hindering his training in the gym but also causing discomfort in his everyday life. He had constant pain and aches that he was willing to get rid of, or reduce at least.

Upon his first session, it was evident that his posture was very poor. Some of the postural issues that were visible were Anterior Pelvic Tilt, Kyphosis with forward head and Duck foot/ Knee Valgus. The lack of application of transverse movements in his workouts also led his body to become very stiff with limited range of motion and very minimum rotational output. 

Over the course of several months, Anmol gradually worked on Tara’s mobility and posture with corrective exercises. Every now and then they would work on polishing lifting techniques. They also went over the importance of application of ‘myofascial release’ in order to restore and optimise his body’s functionality. In addition, new and relevant stretches were also practiced every session.

Tara was making gains and progressing every week. After a while, his back pain reduced greatly while his mobility and transverse output skyrocketed. His posture improved a whole lot and so did his body awareness. Tara’s performance in the gym elevated tremendously with the help of all these practices he carried out consistently week in and out. 

After a year of setbacks due to injuries, in August 2019, his consistency, hard work and determination paid off! He came runners up in Surrey UKDFBA Bodybuilding competition as well as a runners up place in a Nepalese Bodybuilding competition. All of his effort, time, money and sweat he had invested in what he believed paid him off at the end. However he is not done. Bigger goals are set. This is only the beginning of his bigger days that’s yet to come. 

Find out what Tara has to say about Kinetic Steps:

“I have been working with kinetic steps since I started my weight loss journey. From having no mobility to having a bad posture Anmol has completely changed how my body functions on a daily basis. I came to anmol with a reoccurring back injury which had an impact on how i trained in the gym. After working with kinetic steps, i have been able to push through that hurdle and take my body to new heights. Adding mobility and deep tissue massages to my weekly routines, Anmol has helped my injury in a way i cannot believe. After trying so many different therapy’s here and there getting frustrated with temporary fixes. Anmols approach was very different. From the very first session i had with anmol he was informative and got straight to the point. Rather than working directly on the affected areas of my injuries he worked with muscles around the affected area via deep tissue massage and myofascial releases. He also pointed out the root of why my injuries were reoccurring. We worked with a-lot of my mobility and posture correction as he informed me about my bad posture, mobility and muscle imbalances which were few if the things causing my back to give in. After a good amount of sessions with anmol i can say my posterior chain is better than it has ever been and will continue to work with kineticsteps in the future to get my mobility where it needs to be. After my experience with kinetic steps I would strongly recommend Anmol to anyone looking to improve their body health whether it be getting in shape, improving their body efficiency or injury rehabilitation. Looking forward to my next session after my holiday.”

– Tara Gurung